About Us


Success Coach Service is a voluntary service that provides skill building, crisis prevention, and intervention with families in the home. A Success Coach works in partnership with the family to develop goals to increase protective factors, decrease risk factors, and promote long-term wellbeing outcomes of children. The Success Coach Service utilizes research-based techniques, including motivational interviewing and various strategies to help build on family strengths. This service is available to families for up to two years.


Must have at least 1 child in the home who is adopted through the foster care system, private, or intercountry adoption OR reunified with birth/ removal parent(s), achieved guardianship or custody from the foster care system, and currently lives in one of the counties we serve.

What is a Success Coach?:

A Success Coach aims to strengthen the permanent placement of children and decrease the potential for future safety concerns or out-of-home placement. The Success Coach will use structured assessment tools to assist the family in assessing their child('s) needs and choosing goals, which will be worked on throughout the case. The interventions used with families depend on the area of need, often including therapeutic components, skill building, crisis prevention/ intervention, case management, and advocacy. Face-to-face time is determined by the family’s needs and agreed upon by the family, as well as where visits will occur.

Examples of Areas of Needs or Goal Building Opportunities:

  • Basic needs (employment, housing, safety, food security, etc.)
  • Child Developmental Concerns
  • Individual or Family Mental Health/ Behavioral Health Needs
  • Parenting
  • Medical Needs
  • Financial Assistance/ Budgeting
  • Opportunities to Connect With Other Families (Build a Natural Support System)
  • Educational
  • Famililial (bonding, attachment, communication, positive relationships)
  • Understanding the Impact and Effects of Childhood Trauma
  • Service Coordination & Community Referrals
  • Community Resources
  • Respite
  • Education and Training

If you are interested in Success Coach Service, please fill out our Contact Form, or call 828-695-5755
